Tuesday 13 September 2011

Festi Vini 2011 : Le Marché des Vins de Saumur

Festi Vini 2011 : 03-11 September was eight days of festivities, culture, fun runs, concerts with the principal event Le Marché des Vins being held on Sunday 04 September in Place de la République in Saumur.

Le Marché des Vins is one of my favourite events of the seasonal calander. A fabulous day out which caters for every family member.

Gérald, representing Domaine de la Paleine for his 6th year was one of the 60 Pays de Loire vineyards to be invited.

Glorious sunshine and high temperatures aided the days festivities, enjoyment of artisans goodies and vignerons wines.

Having timed their return stays perfectly were our wonderful & fun loving clients, Lisa & John, Susan & Paul, both of whom we had had the great pleasure of welcoming to 'La Bellevue' last year.

United in one great shared passion, the wines from Domaine de la Paleine ! Armed with their dégustation glasses un grand tour of le marché was in order before concluding at Géralds stand to sample the Domaines latest vintages.

Festi Vini 2012 :
dates to be confirmed